An OnTriggerEnter2D example is shown. This example has two empty GameObjects, called GameObject1 and GameObject2. These both have script files which makes the example work. The first script, Example1, creates a Sprite and adds a BoxCollider2D and a Rigidbody2D. This object falls under gravity and collides with Example2. Use the Ambient Skies - Skies, Post FX, Lighting tool for your next project. Find this and more particle & effect tools on the Unity Asset Store.
To reproduce:
1. Create two 2D cubes with colliders 2d
2. Attach a rigidbody 2D to one of the cubes and make the other cube a trigger
3. Attach a script with OnTiggerEnter2D (and some kind of debug message) to the rigidbody cube
4. Enter play mode and move the cube into the other cube - the debug message should get printed
5. Change the rigidbody 2d to kinematic - the debug message is no longer printed, OnTriggerEnter2d is no longer being called
Ontriggerenter2d Called Multiple Times
Explanation: kinematic bodies (specifically colliders attached to those bodies) only collide with dynamic bodies.
Void Ontriggerenter2d
The allowed collisions for body types are therefore:
Kinematic can collide with Dynamic
Dynamic can collide with Static, Dynamic & Kinematic
Static can collide with Dynamic Script writing software for mac free.