Yesterday Guitar Pro

Yesterday by The Beatles. Here are the most popular versions Guitar tabs, Chords, Bass, Ukulele chords, Guitar Pro. Chords and tabs aggregator - Choose and determine which version of Remember Yesterday chords and tabs by Hammerfall you can play. Last updated on.


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Although credited to “Lennon–McCartney”, the song was written solely by Paul McCartney. It remains popular today with more than 2,000 cover versions and is one of the most covered songs in the history of recorded music. On this page, you can download the full guitar tab for the song, print out a strumming version using only chords/lyrics, or watch a video that shows you how to play it.

Yesterday Guitar Tab Download

Download the complete Yesterday guitar tab at the link below:

Strumming Version Of Yesterday

Yesterday Guitar ProYesterday guitar pro

Click anywhere on the chords/lyrics below to open up a printable version:


“Yesterday” features McCartney playing an Epiphone Texan steel-string acoustic guitar. It has two contrasting sections, differing in melody and rhythm.

The first section (“Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away…”) opens with an F chord (the 3rd of the chord is omitted), then moving to Em7 before resolving to A7 and then to D-minor. In this sense, the opening chord is a decoy; as musicologist Alan Pollack points out, the home key (F-major) has little time to establish itself before “heading towards the relative D-minor.” He points out that this diversion is a compositional device commonly used by Lennon and McCartney, which he describes as “delayed gratification”.

The second section (“Why she had to go I don’t know…”) is, according to Pollack, less musically surprising on paper than it sounds. Starting with Em7, the harmonic progression quickly moves through the A-major, D-minor, and (closer to F-major) B♭, before resolving back to F-major, and at the end of this, McCartney holds F while the strings descend to resolve to the home key to introduce the restatement of the first section, before a brief hummed closing phrase.

Yesterday Guitar Professional

The tonic key of the song is F major (although, since McCartney tuned his guitar down a whole step, he was playing the chords as if it were in G), where the song begins before veering off into the key of D minor. It is this frequent use of the minor, and the ii-V7 chord progression (Em and A7 chords in this case) leading into it, that gives the song its melancholy aura. The A7 chord is an example of a secondary dominant, specifically a V/vi chord. The G7 chord in the bridge is another secondary dominant, in this case a V/V chord, but rather than resolve it to the expected chord, as with the A7 to Dm in the verse, McCartney instead follows it with the IV chord, a B♭. This motion creates a descending chromatic line of C–B–B♭–A to accompany the title lyric.

“Yesterday” Video

Here’s a great performance from Paul:

Yesterday V1 tabs @ 911Tabs

On this page you will find the Guitar Pro tab for the song Yesterday V1 by Beatles, which has been downloaded 31,765 times. Please note that you need to have the Guitar Pro software before you can start using these.

The tablature provided is our visitor's interpretation of this song but remain a property of their respective authors, artists and labels. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.

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Yesterday Guitar Pro

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Yesterday Guitar Tabs

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